Support your Winkler Wolves teachers, staff and students by donating to the PTSO



Tuesday August 9th at 6pm

in person at Harold E Winkler Middle Media Center

Sign up to Paint the Spirit Rock - Great for birthdays or celebrations

Spirit Rock

Who doesn’t love a duty free lunch?

Thank you to all those who volunteered to give our teachers duty free lunch this year.


Thankful Thursdays at Winkler have ended.

Thank you for your support


Our Next Winkler Booster Bash will kick off 10/19/2022

Winkler Families! Mark Your Calanders!!! The Next Booster Bash is 10/27/2022

We’d love to have even more students participating this year!!! Stay tuned for more details


Donor Recognition Wall.

Exciting News- Do you and your family want to show Winkler how much our school means to you? Consider our Donor Recognition walls. This will be a wall-mounted display in our main hallway at Winkler to honor donors who give a $250.00 in-kind donation to the PTSO.

What?- Donor Recognition Wall

Where?- This display will be located in the main hallway at Winkler

How long will it stay up?- FOREVER

Cost?-$250.00 donation to the HWMS PTSO

What will funds be used for? Immediately they will be put towards outdoor classroom and furniture of additional learning space at Winkler.

When will my name be added?- We will add names as donations come in.